How to Take Your Dog’s Picture

Documenting your adorable dog in picture form and being able to share them with your friends is a lot of fun – if you can get a decent picture. How many times have you gone to take the most adorable picture of your dog and then missed it because they moved or got distracted? Some dogs will focus on you long enough for a picture if you just talk to them or call their name, but others are just not having it. Here are some tips on how to take your dog’s picture:
1. Use the “Treat Trick”
You can try to use the “treat trick” by holding a treat above the camera to hold your dog’s attention long enough to get a picture. This may work naturally for some dogs, but could pose a problem if your dog gets too excited and moves around too much at the prospect of a treat or if they have a tendency to “lunge” for it.
“Sit” and “Stay” are some of the basic commands every dog should know. If your dog knows these, you can use them to your advantage when it comes to taking a good picture. Pair the “treat” trick with the “sit” and/or “stay” command and it may help your dog keep the wiggles in check when you use a treat to direct their attention for a picture.
2. Create a Verbal Cue
If you’re already trying the “treat trick” or are giving your dog a treat for pictures anyway, you can create a verbal cue specifically for looking at you for a picture. By training your dog to freeze and focus on you for a second when they hear a certain verbal cue, you can make taking pictures of your dog so much easier.
3. Use an Attention-Grabbing Phone Attachment
When it comes to taking and sharing pictures of a dog, most people just use their smartphones. So, using an attention-grabbing attachment for your smartphone can help you get great pictures of your dog every time. If your dog loves tennis balls, you can use something like the Pooch Selfie* (Amazon Affiliate Link) to direct and keep your dog’s attention long enough to take a picture.
4. Set Up Something Fun for Your Dog
You may want to take pictures of your dog while they are doing something instead of the standard sitting picture. In order to get a great shot, you’ll need to get your dog engaged and moving around.
You can get them playing or set up something fun that they won’t be able to resist. If your dog absolutely loves a rope toy, get your camera ready and try to get them to play with one. You’ll likely get a few fun action shots and you’ll also get some quality time with your dog!
5. Tire Them Out
If you want some pictures where your dog is relaxed and calm, you’ll need to pick the right time to get them. Take your dog for a walk, a run, or some playtime. Then, wait about 10-15 minutes before you slip out your phone and slyly start taking pictures.
If they’re a little tired and recovering from some activity, you’re likely to get those calm photos you wanted. You’ll need to give your dog some activity throughout the day anyway, so you can always just plan your photo session for a few minutes after their scheduled walk or after something you already planned to do.
If you’re stuck on ideas you can always check out the best dog Instagram accounts for inspiration. And, with these tips for how to take your dog’s picture, you’re bound to get some good shots! Once your dog is used to the camera or responding to the verbal cue, they may even start posing for you intuitively. After all, some pooches love to perform! You could even practice some Christmas card dog photo ideas to get ready for the holidays!
*Greenfield Puppies is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Greenfield Puppies may earn a commission for purchases made through Amazon affiliate links on our site.