How to Spoil Your Dog

Raising a puppy or adopting a new dog into your family, even if they are older, can be difficult if you don’t have a training plan. While you likely want to immediately give your new dog everything they want, you don’t want to encourage undesirable behaviors. It’s very much a balance of indulgences and training manners and lessons that will make your life and your dog’s life much easier. Here are several ways to spoil your dog in general and during specific seasons:
How to Spoil Your Dog Without Making Them Spoiled
There are plenty of ways to spoil your dog without spoiling them or encouraging poor manners. Here’s how to pamper and spoil your dog (without making them spoiled):
1. Make Some Homemade Dog Treats
Treats are a great way to praise, reward, and pamper a pup, especially if they are particularly food-motivated. Your dog will love how they taste and you’ll love having a reward on hand for training.
If you find that food is the best way to motivate and reward your dog, but you want to limit sweet treats, you can also experiment with some of the best fruits and veggies for dogs for some variety. Here is a basic dog treat recipe to get you started:
- 3 cups of flour
- ¼ cup of peanut butter
- ½ cup of pumpkin puree
- 8 strips of bacon, cooked
- 4 large eggs
Make sure you are only using pure pumpkin and not pumpkin pie filling. Pumpkin pie filling often has ingredients that are toxic to dogs. Also, make sure the peanut butter you are using is safe for dogs and does not contain xylitol.
Once you have your ingredients gathered, mix all the ingredients together. Cut them into cookie shapes or make little dough balls and arrange them on a baking sheet. Bake for 20 minutes at 400 degrees. Then, let them cool and serve.
This is just a basic recipe to get you started; there are plenty of other dog treat recipes available to help you make something your dog will love, and maybe even something you and your dog can enjoy together!
2. Use Positive Reinforcement
Treats can be a great tool to help train your pup using positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement can be a wonderful way to train your dog with all the basic commands necessary and continue training them as time passes.
You don’t need harsh tones or punishment; rewarding desired behavior and creating positive reactions with praise and treats is everything you need. Any negative or undesired behavior should not be rewarded. Praising desired behavior, not giving attention to negative behavior to avoid rewarding it, and redirection are all useful dog training tips.
3. Go to the Dog Park
Going to the dog park can be a wonderful way to pamper your dog, let them release some energy, and to socialize them. They will also learn to share, respect space, and understand dog park etiquette. If it’s your dog’s first time at the dog park, be sure to stay close to their side. They will be more comfortable and confident when meeting new friends.
4. Do Some Short Training Sessions
Training your dog can not only reinforce good manners and behavior, but it can also be a positive experience that strengthens the bond you have with your dog. Teaching your dog to heel can help with leash training, keep them from running out the door, and can be useful during walks, at the dog park, or in other areas.
During your time at the dog park, you will be able to work on your dog’s training to heel, sit, lay down, speak, and other commands. If your pup is not distracted, try to practice both new and old commands, or try other easy tricks to teach your dog. This will give you plenty of room and you may be able to get advice from other dog owners.
5. Gift Them a New Toy
Like everyone else, your dog loves getting a new toy. For you, it may be video games, a new kitchen gadget, or a new shirt. For your dog, it can be as simple as a new ball. Be sure to learn how destructive your pup is though and get toys that match.
Try researching all of the possible toys and work from there. By being informed, you will get your money’s worth out of the toy and not have to worry about it being a bad fit for your dog or getting destroyed too soon.
Also, make sure you take care to clean dog toys regularly as well. If you’re already planning to give your dog a new toy, it can be a useful distraction while you clean their toys, or even clean them out when it’s time to dispose of some.
6. Set Up a Play Date
Whether it’s toys, time, space, attention, etc., it’s important that your dog learns to share. Safe puppy play sessions when they are young can help with socialization, interaction, and training. Some puppy training classes will even offer these play sessions as part of their course.
If they are older, the dog park or setting up doggie play dates with other local owners can be a great way to get your dog interacting with others in positive environments. If your dog is a little shy, taking it slow in small sessions and plenty of positive reinforcement can help a shy dog interact with other dogs and people.
7 Ways to Spoil Your Dog This Spring
With warmer weather starting to peek through, spring is a great time to start spending more time outside as the weather permits. It also opens up some opportunities and activities that may not have been available or comfortable to do during the winter. Here are a few ways to spoil your dog this spring (without making them spoiled):
1. Have a Grooming Session Outside
A springtime grooming session is one of the spring activities to do with your dog. If your dog is not a fan of bathing and grooming, they may not enjoy all parts of this. But, you can bet they will appreciate how much more comfortable they feel as you help them get rid of loose fur, especially if they have a type of dog coat that sheds more when the seasons change.
Provided it’s warm enough and the weather is cooperating, you can take the grooming session outside and let your dog enjoy the fresh air while you brush and bathe and brush them again. Plus, it’s an easier cleanup for you as any loose fur that doesn’t stay with your dog grooming brushes won’t end up all over your house.
Bathing your dog outside can be a lot of fun for both of you, especially if your dog tends to like playing in water. This can be a way to help them shed their winter coat and make them more comfortable while also letting them get some energy out while they play in the water. And, if you spend time playing with them, it’s a great way to build a bond with your dog and can make both of you happy.
2. Make New Canine Friends
Dogs are social animals and, provided they are well-socialized, most dogs enjoy playing with other dogs and making new friends. Playing with other dogs is a great way to keep socializing your dog, give them exercise, and also some mental stimulation.
If your dog is still a puppy, you can find puppy training classes that host safe puppy play sessions. You can also visit an off-leash dog park and see if there are any new, friendly dogs that want to meet and play with your dog. Another option is to check any neighborhood groups or meetup pages to see if anyone gets together for dog walks or play sessions.
3. Try a New Activity
If you’re jumping into something completely new or intense, like a dog sport, you’ll want to visit the vet and make sure they clear your dog for the activity. Other than that, trying something new is a great way to provide mental stimulation for your dog and an outlet for their energy.
Just make sure you take things slow and ease back into exercise after the winter. This is one of the tips for exercising with your dog and is particularly important if your activity levels took a dip during the winter season.
It ensures you and your dog don’t overdo things too quickly and can help reduce the chance of injuries, which is essential for spring dog safety. It’s also a good tip for any new activity you try as it allows you and your dog to get a good feel for it and for you to keep an eye on how your dog responds to it.
4. Start Training For Summer Activities
If you’re planning to travel with your dog over the summer and try new activities during your travels, spring is a good time to start doing any training you need to do to make sure your dog is ready and comfortable before you take your trip.
What you do and how you approach it will depend on what you plan to do, but you can start early with exposure or specific training to make sure your dog is prepared. Your dog will likely be excited for the chance to learn and do something new with you.
It may not be warm enough at the beginning of spring to get in the water. But, if you’re planning to take your dog paddling during your summer travels, you can start to get them used to the paddle and paddle board, kayak, canoe, etc. Then, as it warms up enough for both of you to be in the water, you can continue to work with them, so they are ready and excited for new summer adventures with you.
5. Get Them a Raincoat
If your dog hates wearing anything, this may not be for them. But, if your dog doesn’t mind wearing a coat, especially if it means they get to go outside when it’s raining, getting them a raincoat can be a great way to spoil them in the spring. This is also one of the great products to protect your dog from weather and can be useful to have on hand in other seasons too.
It may not keep them from playing in puddles, but a good raincoat for dogs* will keep most of them dry and help keep them from getting a chill while out on rainy walks *(Amazon Affiliate Link). This is particularly true for dogs with thin and short coats.
6. Consider a New Toy
New toys can be great ways to spoil your dog no matter the season. Depending on how many toys your dog has and how quickly they go through them, they may not need new toys just yet. Toys are common Christmas gifts for dogs and if your dog just got a ton of them, you may not need to replenish or add to their collection just yet.
Still, it could be worth checking out the new releases to see if there are any new toys or games available in the spring that your dog would enjoy. You can also take stock of their current toys and what they enjoy to see if there is anything that is worth upgrading. If your dog is in love with chasing balls, upgrading from a standard tennis ball to something like a Chuckit! Ball* could be well worth it *(Amazon Affiliate Link).
7. Go For a Drive
If your dog likes car rides, then going for a drive is a great way to spoil your dog in the spring on a nice day. If it’s warm enough and the weather is nice enough, you can go for a cruise with the windows down while you and your dog spend some time together.
You can also drive to nearby national parks, nature preserves, and the like to take slower, less crowded, quieter, and more scenic routes. Just make sure you have a car harness for dogs or other ways to keep your dog secure and follow other car safety tips for dogs to keep your dog safe, comfortable, and happy during the drive where you go.
10 Ways to Spoil Your Dog This Summer
Summers can be a great time to spend with family and friends outdoors. This is also a wonderful time for your pup to run around, soak up some sun, and spend time with you. Here are a few ways to spoil your dog this summer so they will know they are a cherished part of the family.
1. Make a Summer Treat
Homemade dog treats are simple and fun to make. This can be a more nutritious substitute for store-bought treats and often will be much tastier. To make a quick and simple batch of dog treats you may want to try this recipe. They’ll smell so delicious you will want to take a bite!
Oatmeal Peanut Butter Bites
- 1 cup of milk
- 2 eggs
- 2 heaping tablespoons of peanut butter
- 2 cups of oatmeal
- 1 cup of flour
- ½ tablespoon of vanilla extract, honey, or maple syrup for taste
Just make sure you check the peanut butter and oatmeal to make sure there is no xylitol or other toxic foods for dogs. Mix the ingredients together and roll them into little dough balls. Arrange them on a baking sheet and bake at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes. Depending on your oven, it may be a little more or less until they are golden brown around the edges.
2. Give Them a Fresh Breath Chew Toy
Fresh breath chew toys are a great way to keep your dog’s breath fresh between brushing. If you decide to purchase one, they are usually between $5 to $15 in-store or online. Be sure to get one without additives, preservatives, or chemicals.
This way, your pup won’t get sick if they devour the whole thing and you won’t have to worry about them while they munch. You can also ask your vet for recommendations on the best dental hygiene chews for your dog.
3. Surprise Them With a New Pet Bed
A new dog bed can go a long way for your pooch. Not only can a new bed make them feel more comfortable, but the right bed can also ease sore joints if they are a senior dog.
You can even invest in one with features to help keep your dog cool. There are even beds that allow you to insert cooling or heating pads depending on the season!
4. Put a Delicious Filler in a Kong or Bone
Bone or Kong filler is a tasty treat you can put in your pup’s bones or a Kong toy that will entertain them for hours and will keep them happy. You only need two ingredients – a puree of their choice and a flour of your choice is all you need.
Sweet potato or peanut butter are popular filler options for dogs. Just make sure the peanut butter you are using does not contain xylitol. Coconut flour can be a good flour choice to help add a little more flavor.
Once you have your ingredients, mix it all up and generously fill the Kong or bone with the mix. Your dog will be thrilled. Just make sure to clean up thoroughly once they are done.
5. Put a Ball in Their Food
A ball in their food is a great way to make your pup feel like feeding time is a game and keep them from eating their food too fast and getting sick. Just place a ball in a dish with the food and they’ll be as happy as a pup with belly rubs.
Another option to slow them down and add a little fun to feeding time is to use a slow feeder puzzle bowl. Not only will this keep your dog from eating too fast, but it will also add some mental stimulation to their meal as well.
6. Create an Ice Lick
Some dogs absolutely love ice cubes. If this is the case for your dog, one of the ways to spoil your dog this summer is to create an ice lick for them. Put some of your pup’s favorite plastic toys and yummy treats in water and let it freeze overnight.
Then, you can take it outside and give them something cool to off with throughout your game of fetch or just relaxing by the pool. Making frozen dog treats like this is a dog-friendly summer activity your dog is sure to love!
7. Sprinkle Parsley in Their Food
Provided it is curly parsley and not a different kind, parsley is one of the safe herbs and spices for dogs. Curly parsley is a great all-natural breath freshener for pups and people alike and can add a few extra nutrients too. Sprinkle a little bit in their food bowl and you won’t wince every time they pant.
8. Give Them a Fancy Bath
You might love baths. If you create a comfortable, relaxing spa for your pup, they might love them too. Have the water be somewhat shallow and lukewarm. These are essential dog bathing tips.
Then, make it more fun for your dog by filling it with some waterproof toys. This will make for some water-based playtime and can be a good fit for an outdoor kiddie pool. Or, you can go the other route and give your dog a massage while also taking care of their skin and fur. Whichever path you take, have plenty of kibble or other treats on you to reward them; they will really appreciate it!
9. Get Booties to Protect Their Feet
In the summer and winter, the ground can be very harmful to a dog’s sensitive paws. If you’re going for a summer walk, make sure to put booties on your pup if they’re going to be walking over hot concrete or roads. Rugged dog boots are outdoor adventure products for dogs that can also protect their paw pads from hot surfaces, winter chemicals, or rugged ground.
10. Build Them an Agility Course
Everyone would love their own gym, and now, your pooch can have one too! Making a small agility course in your backyard is easy and a great way to get plenty of exercise. You can let your dog free to run as they please or you can use it to practice some training.
Provided your vet approves them for it, you can even work on agility training for dogs. This can be a great option for high-energy working dogs that are easily bored and need jobs to do.
6 Ways to Spoil Your Dog This Fall
With temperatures cooling off and leaves changing, fall is a great time to go on outdoor adventures with your dog. There are plenty of things to do outside, plenty of useful fall dog products, and plenty of ways to relax, cuddle up, and stay warm when you come back inside. Here are a few ways to spoil your dog this fall:
1. Do Some Fall Grooming
Regular brushing and grooming are ways to help control dog shedding and keep your dog comfortable. If you’ve been grooming and bonding with your dog since they were a puppy, grooming sessions can be something they enjoy, even if some of the tasks aren’t that enjoyable. As the seasons change from summer to fall, several dog coat types start shedding and growing their winter coat.
Get your dog grooming brushes and pampering products in order and spend some time brushing and bathing your dog. Not only will this help them feel more comfortable, but removing loose or dead hair will also help promote new growth as their winter coat continues to come in.
2. Pamper Their Paws
On top of brushing and grooming their coat for the fall and to prep for winter, you can also pamper your pup’s paws. Just like your hands need more moisture in the fall and winter, the same is true for your pup’s paw pads. This is why extra paw care is part of any fall dog safety guide.
Take a look at their nails and see if you need to trim or grind their nails to keep them short. Check out the fur on the bottom of their feet and between their toes; clean and trim it if needed. Look over their paw pads for any damage or cracking and wrap it all up with some moisturizing paw care cream to help keep this area moisturized and protected throughout fall *(Amazon Affiliate Link).
3. Go For a Hike
Cooler weather can make outdoor activities easier for your dog to handle. Although you still want to be aware of overexertion, you don’t have to worry as much about overheating as you do in the summer when temperatures are higher.
Hiking can be a great way to exercise with your dog and it can also be relaxing to spend some time in nature. Plus, with leaves changing for fall, you can take in a lot of interesting and beautiful scenery.
If you plan to go hiking with your dog, make sure you check the weather and trail ahead of time so you know what you’re getting into. Make sure your dog is able to handle the trail difficulty you’ve chosen, dress for the weather, bring water and snacks with you, and follow other tips to safely hike with your dog.
4. Try a New Activity
Learning something new is a great way to keep a dog from getting bored, keep them mentally sharp and engaged as they age, and also find a new way to be active. Before jumping into a new physical activity, make sure you visit your vet and have them clear your dog for what you want to do.
This is particularly true if you want to try something higher impact, more intense, or something completely new to your dog. If they already play frisbee, fetching a ball isn’t completely new. But, if you want to try something like agility training or dock diving, then you will want to clear it with your vet first to make sure your dog is ready to jump into something like that.
Popular dog sports are great ways to be active with your dog and teach them something new. Even if you don’t plan on competing officially, dog sports can still be good activities for your dog, especially if you, or they, seem to be getting bored with the usual stuff.
5. Give Your Dog a Massage
Especially when your dog gets older, they may get a little stiff and have achy joints when it’s cold and rainy outside. As temperatures fluctuate in the fall, the changing seasons can be rough on an older dog’s body and skin.
In addition to some paw pampering and some spa-style grooming, you can spoil your dog in the fall and help them feel better by giving your dog a massage. Just as in humans, massages for dogs can be beneficial too. Plus, your dog will love spending time with you and getting attention from you, so this activity can help you get some quality bonding time with your dog while helping you both relax.
6. Visit a Pumpkin Patch or Apple Orchard
If your dog does well in new environments and is comfortable and friendly with strange people and other dogs, consider visiting a dog-friendly farm or orchard. Fall is a great season for pumpkins, apples, and other produce.
Depending on where you live, there may be farms that you can visit with your dog and pick-your-own pumpkin patches or apple orchards that will allow your dog to join you as you explore. There may even be places that hold special events for dogs as part of their event schedule!
7 Ways to Spoil Your Dog This Winter
Some dogs are snow dog breeds and love winter while other dogs absolutely hate winter. There are plenty of things to do with your dog in the winter outside and inside. So, there are plenty of options to choose from depending on your dog and how they handle the cold. Here are a few ways to spoil your dog this winter:
1. Get Some New Winter Gear
One of the ways to spoil your dog in the winter and also take care of some items on your to-do list is to take an inventory of your dog’s toys, bed, leash, clothes, etc. to see if anything needs to be replaced or upgraded. This is one of the tips to get your dog ready for winter.
There are plenty of winter dog products for outdoor and indoor use and it’s a good time to check over what you have, replace what’s needed, and maybe pick up something new and cool. Even if it’s just a new toy, it’s a great way to spoil your dog this winter and have some dedicated playtime and bonding time with them.
2. Upgrade Their Dog Bed
Winter can be a great time to upgrade your dog’s bed, especially if it needs to be replaced anyway. There are plenty of calming dog bed features to look for when you look for a new dog bed, but there are also some upgrades you can easily add to the dog bed you have if you don’t need to replace it yet.
A dog-safe heating or warming pad is something you can get for your dog to use wherever or with their current bed. If you need to get a new plush dog bed, you can look for one with everything you need and the bonus of being able to insert warming or cooling pads depending on the season.
3. Bake Some Dog Treats
Winter is a great time to use the oven. Not only can you get a little extra heat, but you can also make your home smell amazing while you do it. If you’re going to be stuck inside, why not be warm and comfortable, and maybe use smells to bring up some nostalgia too?
There are plenty of dog treat recipes available to try if you want to make some DIY dog treats at home. You can try something simple or go for something more complicated. You can even choose a recipe that creates a treat both you and your dog can enjoy.
Some simple treat recipes also give you the opportunity to play around with different ingredients and combinations; just make sure whatever you’re using is safe for your dog. Also, check the peanut butter ingredients, even if it’s a brand you’ve gotten in the past. Xylitol is toxic to dogs and is popping up more often in peanut butters, so make sure you are avoiding it if you’re picking up peanut butter for any treats.
4. Go on a Dog-Friendly Vacation
If you don’t like winter and you have one of the dog breeds that hates winter, it can be a great time to schedule a getaway at a pet-friendly resort in a warmer location and go on a dog-friendly vacation. If you’re keeping it within the U.S. and you know what state you want to go to, dog-friendly travel guides can be a great place to start.
At the very least, you can put together a trip plan that includes activities you and your dog can enjoy together. And, if there’s something you want to do and your dog won’t be able to join you, you can make sure you have a doggie daycare or other arrangements in place while you do that activity.
5. Play in the Snow
On the other hand, if you love the snow and you have one of the dog breeds that LOVE winter, you can have a lot of fun playing in the snow with them. You can play tag with them in the snow, play frisbee or fetch, and more.
If you have a dog that tends to run away and chase things, find a good off-leash area that is securely fenced where they can run freely and then let them fly. Study and athletic dogs might enjoy a nice, long walk or hike in the snow. There are plenty of outdoor games to play in the snow to keep your dog active in the winter and enjoy the season outside with them.
6. Set Up Some Inside Games
Inside games can be fun for your dog even if they enjoy being outside in the winter, but they are especially good for dogs that don’t handle the cold well. You can set up an obstacle course in the hallway, play indoor scent games, set up little puzzles or brain games to do with them, work on some short training sessions, teach them some new tricks, or just have some playtime with some of their toys.
7. Make a Blanket Fort and Cuddle
Whether you make an actual blanket fort or just make you and your dog a pile of blankets on the couch, set aside some time to relax and cuddle with them. Whether watching some movies, reading, or just taking a nap together, your dog will love spending time with you and being near you. Plus, you’ll both be warm and comfortable. You can even plan to watch some dog movies if your dog is fine with seeing other canines on the TV!
You Can Spoil Your Dog Without Making Them Spoiled
These are all tips for how to spoil your dog without making them spoiled. No matter the season, there are plenty of ways to pamper a pup, spend time being active with them, and make your dog happy.
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