How to Pick the Right Name For Your Dog

When you bring a new dog into your home, it can be a little overwhelming trying to decide on a name. A name can carry a lot of weight and it will stick with your dog for their whole life. However, it’s important to not worry about it too much and have fun choosing a name! Here’s how to pick the right name for your dog:
1. Stick With a Two-Syllable Word
Avoid using long names for your dog. You usually end up shortening it to a nickname, anyway. While unique dog names or a long name like Sir Reginald Barkington might sound like a great idea, it’ll make scheduling an appointment with a vet or a groomer a little confusing. If you still want to keep Sir Reginald Barkington for fun at home, stick to a name like Reggie for all of your dog’s official paperwork.
The perfect sweet spot for a dog’s name is a two-syllable word. Gather a list of potential names and try them out. Repeat a name a few times to see how it feels. If it’s comfortable to keep repeating it, that’s a good contender. Picking something short but fun is always a winner. There are plenty of fun food-related dog names, like Tater Tot. Who wouldn’t love that name?
2. Avoid Names That Rhyme With Commands
While Bo (or even Bow) is a cute name for a dog, they may end up mistaking their name for a command or vice versa. Try avoiding names that will confuse your dog with basic commands. These basic commands that every dog should know include no, stay, sit, and drop it.
You want your dog to listen to you when you give a command or when you call their name. Don’t make it harder on them by using a word that is too close to a command. Not only could this end up being a way you’re confusing your dog, but you’ll likely end up frustrated too if your dog is confused.
3. Consider Your Dog’s Personality and Activities
Your dog’s looks can be a factor in choosing a name but don’t forget to think about their personality, too. If your dog is from an active dog breed and loves to zoom around, maybe name them after a famous track star or soccer player. If they’re good at performing acrobatics, name them after a famous gymnast.
If your dog has a really laid-back personality, try naming them after a famous movie or television character with the same personality. You could even pick one of your favorite dog movies for inspiration!
4. Make Sure it Passes the Nickname Test
You are going to come up with a bunch of nicknames for your dog, no matter the name. Make sure the name you’re potentially choosing has enough nickname options. Be sure these nicknames sound similar enough to the actual name so you don’t confuse your dog.
5. Avoid Negative Connotations
Make sure your dog’s potential name isn’t going to elicit negative reactions from friends and family. It’s probably not a good idea to pick Cujo for a dog’s name. And be sure to avoid any name that involves a slur or is an insult. You want your dog’s name to be a reflection of them, not something hurtful to others.
6. Try it Out
Once you pick a strong contender, try it out for a day or two. If it feels like a natural fit, keep it! If not, go back to a few of your other options. Don’t stress about it too much, the right name will come to you.
These are just a few tips on how to pick the right name for your dog. There are plenty of sources for inspiration, including books, movies, and more. There are even tons of Disney-inspired dog names. Whatever name you end up choosing, you are sure to fall in love with it.