4 Facts About Wirehaired Pointing Griffons

The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon is an athletic and versatile hunting dog that also fits right in at home as a family companion. They tend to be energetic, affectionate, playful, and social dogs that bond closely with their families. Here are a few more facts about Wirehaired Pointing Griffons:
1. They Are (Mostly) a French Dog Breed
In the 1800s, Eduard Korthals started crossing several breeds to create the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon. Although he was a Dutchman and began the process in the Netherlands, he also spent time developing the breed in Germany and then in France.
Most of his time spent refining the breed, creating the original lines, and creating breed standards occurred in Germany and France. Their Dutch origins and time in Germany developing the breed are still acknowledged as part of the breed’s history.
However, since the modern Wirehaired Pointing Griffon has remained mostly the same since it was recognized in France, the dog breed is considered a French dog breed. They are also sometimes referred to as the Korthals Griffon.
2. Wirehaired Pointing Griffons Have Webbed Toes
Wirehaired Pointing Griffons share a lot of traits with other breeds that are considered retrievers. They tend to be one of the dog breeds that love water. With webbed toes and an insulating coat, they tend to be excellent swimmers and enjoy splashing around.
3. They Are Athletic Dogs
Wirehaired Pointing Griffons, or Griffs, are versatile and athletic dogs. They were bred to be intelligent and sturdy dogs that could work closely with their owners in the field and be focused, dedicated, and resilient whether they were out in the field, in the show ring, at competitions, and more.
This makes for an athletic dog that tends to excel at almost anything you put before them. Provided puppies are finished growing and developing, and your vet has cleared them for higher-impact activities, Griffs tend to do well at a variety of outdoor activities and dog sports.
As a hunting dog, Wirehaired Pointing Griffons excel at scentwork, tracking, and more. With their athleticism, they also tend to excel at popular dog sports like agility, flyball, rally, etc. Since they also tend to love the water and have retriever qualities, dock diving could be a great fit for Griffs.
4. Wirehaired Pointing Griffons Have Double Coats
Bred for hunting on land, in marshes, in water, and more, the Wirehaired Pointing Griffon has a double coat that insulates and protects them, and provides some water resistance. A dense undercoat keeps them warm and dry while their outer coat is wiry to help protect them against abrasions.
Different dog coat types require different methods of care. In general, Griffs are very low-shedding. Brushing them a couple of times a week is usually enough. Their wiry coat will need to be hand-stripped periodically to remove loose fur and promote new growth.
Bathing is on an as-needed basis. Depending on what types of outdoor adventures you and your Griff get into, and how often they go swimming, you may need to bathe them more often to clean them off.
Is a Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Puppy Right For You?
These are just a few facts about Wirehaired Pointing Griffons. These dogs can be a good fit for active single owners and families who can give them the daily exercise, attention, affection, and mental stimulation they need to be happy and healthy.
If this sounds like the right fit for you, learn more about the breed and then check out the available Wirehaired Pointing Griffon puppies. You could end up finding your new best friend!