6 Facts About the Cane Corso

The Cane Corso is a large, powerful dog breed. They are loyal, devoted, and loving towards their families and are protective of them. Here are a few more facts about the Cane Corso:
1. They Were Bred to be Powerful Guardians
The Cane Corso is one of the mastiff-type breeds that descended from the Molossers, which were very large and powerful dogs that became Roman war dogs. Because of their mastiff grouping and because they originated in Italy, the Cane Corso is also referred to as an Italian Mastiff.
Their protective instincts, intimidating appearance, and large, strong frame made them a powerful guardian dog. They were often used as a guard dog in Italy and were also used as a hunting dog for big game. Although the Cane Corso can still be found working in various capacities, they are now also often a beloved family pet.
2. The Cane Corso is Family-Focused
Cane Corsos, the correct plural in Italian being Cani Corsi, are loving, very caring, and very loyal when it comes to their families. They tend to be a “family-only” dog that prefers being around those they consider their family unit.
They do not tend to be interested in engaging with anyone, human or animal, outside of who they consider their family unit. That being said, they do tend to get along with children, other dogs, or other animals that are considered part of their family unit.
3. They Need Consistent Socialization and Training
These dogs tend to have a quiet nature and often take on the role of silent sentry or protector of the home. Because of their protective instincts, they are naturally suspicious of strangers. A well-socialized and well-trained Cane Corso will still be loyal and protective of their family, but will not be overly suspicious, overprotective, or aggressive.
Without proper socialization and training, they can become territorial. Poor socialization in any dog breed is one of the most common causes of aggression in dogs. Poor socialization and training can cause dogs to view everything as a threat or react to anything new with fear, which can often lead to aggression. It’s particularly important for dogs that are naturally on alert for threats to their family to not automatically view everything as a threat or approach new people or things with fear.
The breeder should be starting socializing and training, but it is up to you to continue to train and socialize a puppy once you get them home. Don’t be afraid or hesitant to enlist the help of a professional dog trainer. It’s worth the time and effort to make sure your Cane Corso puppy grows into a well-mannered, confident, and well-balanced dog.
4. Italian Mastiffs Need a More Experienced Owner
A Cane Corso will grow into a big dog. Although they tend to be sensitive to your tone of voice and respond well to verbal cues and praise, they also tend to have a stubborn streak and will test boundaries.
Because of this, they need a steady, confident leader who can provide consistent, persistent training with clear boundaries and directions. Novice owners can do well with a Cane Corso, but puppy training classes or the help of a professional dog trainer are recommended.
Not only do these classes help give you the skills you need for training a dog, but they also tend to strengthen the bond you have with your puppy and provide some opportunities for socialization too. They may even host safe puppy play sessions for extra socialization.
5. They Require a lot of Exercise
Although their large, sturdy frame may make them seem like a slower breed, the Cane Corso is closer to a high-energy dog breed. They need some serious exercise and a job to do to get both physical and mental stimulation. Daily walks plus time to run and other activities throughout the day will help keep your Cane Corso happy and healthy.
Cani Corsi can be a great jogging partner once they finish growing and their bones have finished developing. They also tend to be a great fit for hiking with you, running along with you on bicycle trips, swimming, and also training for dog sports. They tend to excel in dock diving, tracking, agility, and more.
6. Cani Corsi Are Vocal Dogs
When it comes to dogs that “talk” or make vocalizations, the Siberian Husky is usually at the top of the list. Although they may not be the first breed that comes to mind, a Cane Corso is also a vocal dog.
They don’t tend to bark a lot outside of alert barking unless they have been trained into it, but they will still communicate with you. Snuffles, snorts, grunts, and the classic Cane Corso “roo-roo” are common vocalizations. This is a noise that falls somewhere between barking, howling, and singing.
These are just a few facts about the Cane Corso. This dog breed tends to be a good fit for more experienced owners who can give them the training, socialization, and exercise they need to be happy, healthy dogs.
If you think this could be the right dog breed for you, learn more about them, and then look at the available Cane Corso puppies. You could end up finding your new best friend!