7 Interesting Facts About Irish Setters

The Irish Setter is a fabled dog that has inspired movies, sports teams, and world leaders alike. They are lovable, playful, and energetic dogs that make a great family pet. Here are some more facts about Irish Setters:
1. The Irish Setter is a Mascot
In the United States, there is Greyhound Lines, which bears a logo featuring the Greyhound, In Ireland, there is Bus Eireann, which adorns the Irish Setter as a brand mascot.
The company says that they chose the Irish Setter because they resemble the “friendly, reliable, and fast way in which the company aims to serve its customers”. And, there is perhaps no better way to describe the Irish Setter.
Several Pace University athletic teams also go by the nickname Setters. Granted, that name consists of a number of Setter varieties, including Irish Setters, English Setters, Gordon Setters, and Red-And-White Setters. However, the college’s pure red mascot, T-Bone, is an Irish Setter.
2. Irish Setters Used to Have Red and White Coats
While Irish setters are most commonly seen with solid red coats, there was a time when the owners preferred their dogs to be red and white. This multicolored coat helped owners spot them in the field during hunting excursions.
Through the nineteenth century, as show dogs became more popular than hunting dogs, solid-red dogs became more fashionable. Nowadays, the former breed that features the multicolored coat is known as a Red-And-White Setter.
3. They Are Champions
The first Irish Setter to win a championship in the United States was Elcho. This dog was brought to the United States by Charles H. Turner in 1870. This is just when interest began in the United States for the Irish Setter. As a result of Elcho’s success, he sired 197 puppies over his life and contributed greatly to the propagation of the Irish Setter breed throughout the country.
4. Irish Setters Tend to Mature More Slowly
There are several dog breeds that tend to experience an extended puppyhood and the Irish Setter is one of them. Although puppies finish growing at different rates, an Irish Setter’s physical development normally outpaces their behavioral growth.
Over time, Irish Setters mature into exceptionally intelligent dogs that are eager to please their owners. But, they often maintain stubbornness for a while and require plenty of patience when it comes to training. Similar to Labrador Retrievers, they also retain a puppylike demeanor and energy for a bit longer as they mature.
5. There is a Distinction Between Show And Field Varieties
Although the Irish Setter is an individual dog breed, there is a distinction between those bred specifically for show and those bred to work out in the field. The Irish Setters that compete in dog shows tend to be bigger and heavier with denser, burnished coats while those working as hunting dogs tend to be smaller and leaner for agility on the hunt.
6. The First Dog Cesar Millan Owned was an Irish Setter
Although he does not consider himself a professional dog trainer, Cesar Millan of the TV show “Dog Whisperer” is best known for his work with people and dogs to resolve behavioral issues.
His first pet was an Irish Setter. Millan’s neighbor, a doctor who owned an Irish Setter, gave him a puppy when his dog had a litter. Millan dubbed his new pet Saluki.
7. Several U.S. Presidents Have Owned Irish Setters
In the White House, at least three U.S. presidents, including Harry Truman and Ronald Reagan, owned Irish Setters. One of the most famous dogs that served in the White House was Richard Nixon’s beloved King Timahoe, or Tim for short. The Nixon family was known for owning several dogs of various breeds.
These are just a few fun and interesting facts about Irish Setters. If you think this spritely, sleek breed with bounds of energy and charisma could be the right fit for you, learn more about them, and then check out the available Irish Setter puppies. Who knows? You could end up falling in love and finding your new best friend!