Use the options below to find your perfect canine companion!
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Paula Green
Bichons are, by far (IMHO), the most lovable, sweetest, people friendly companion you will ever find. My little guy was funny, kind, and loyal. He loved to play and to cuddle. If one of us were sick, he wouldn't leave our side until we were able to be up and around. Highly trainable and intelligent, these adorable beings will enrich you life beyond measure.
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Helena Stephens
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Roberto Regino
The are so cute
Bichon Frise Breed Review by yeoun Goh
bichon frize baby
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Ruth Scales
Never owned one trying to buy
Bichon Frise Breed Review by D&E
I wouldn’t want any other breed they are so smart with wonderful personalities. If you like small breeds this is it ! They are highly intelligent, intuitive and easy to train. I will say they can be a bit more pricey with grooming regularly but they are worth it a thousand times over.
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Lois Valentine
We have had a Bichon-Poo for 6 years. This dog was so special and impeccably trained. We have never had a dog who knew her schedule like Lexi. It was amazing. She was lovable, friendly, loved her house and her life. She was truly happy & so were we. I had a relative take care of her while we were on a three week vacation. He said this dog is amazing. I will take her anytime. Anytime someone watched her, they would say they had never seen a dog like her. Unfortunately, she injured her backbone & had to be euthanized. 😢💔
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Kathy Quinter
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Charlotte
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Debra Meyer
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Carolyn Coleman
I love
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Anthony Ciccarelli
I love this breed.
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Chris Floyd
Love these babies
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Carole
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Peyton McDonald
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Bron
I bought a Bichon from Greenfield and could not be happier. He is the sweetest, smartest, cuddles,. Clean bill of health from the vet. Best decision I've ever met. I don't know what I'd do without him!!
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Debbie
That is a wonderful breed just a real sweetheart.
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Arlena M Staropoli
Love my bischon cute easy to train.
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Amy
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Gerry Gaston
Very lovable.
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Robin
I have read everything possible that I can read about a Bichon yes this is my lap dog and traveling partner I want it!
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Gustavo
Bichon Frise Breed Review by James Beach
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Elaine Wright
I love this breed, I have owned 5 Bichons in my lifetime. Each one that I owned have brought joy and happiness to me, and love. Each one of them had different personalities. I recently lost my baby Winston.I would love to get another one, but I find the prices are too high, as I live on a fixed income. I could write a book about these little angles from God.
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Nadine
Wonderful dog, but does require frequent grooming. Doesn’t scare people but lets you know when strangers are approaching. Gets along with other pets (mostly ignores) best companion dog ever for human adults. Since I don’t have young children I can only say that the Bichon I have shared the last 14 years with is a magnet for young children when we are out for walks and the attention and pets are well received.
Bichon Frise Breed Review by nicole
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Freddy calle
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Randy D Langdon
12 years of joy and love we miss her deeply Sassy was my true buddy, every time I came home from work, or took her to the office, she couldn't wait to go with me
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Cindy Lim
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Sybil James
Please help me find another bichon frise female white, cause Missy died , and lm so sad now. I’m really heart broken and grieving over my beautiful Missy
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Jan smys
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Lynn Celleri
Great dog very protective of their owners. Maintenance very high level. High dental maintenance. . They have lots of love to give.
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Robin Bodner
Bichon Frise Breed Review by SAMUEL STARR ROGERS
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Jodi kamin
Love love love this breed! We had Lilly and Jack, both, for 16 and 1/2 years! They were the best dogs ever! Jack was the last to pass in Oct. can’t wait to have another. Life is just not the same!!!
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Naomi Lynn James ?
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Catherine Conway
We were owned by a beautiful Bichon Frise who captured our hearts when he was 6 months old. He was perfect! He owned our hearts for 16 years and I am certain all such wonderful animals are in heaven with their Creator! We miss him terribly and would dearly love to have one of his cousins.
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Karen
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Jose cedano
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Bob Weber
I purchased my dog "Casper" when he was 4 weeks old. We took him home 13 years ago when he was 8 weeks old. He is still a little bundle of energetic joy but he has slowed down a little. We have had dozens of breeds throughout the years but I would say our little bishan is the smartest, he has learned dozens of commands on his own like when I put on my shoes he runs into his kennel. We will definitely get another bichon when our little Casper passes, hopefully many years from now.
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Tina Combs
We have a Bichon and he is 13 yrs old been a great dog as he gets older he just good dog and I know a few people and theirs had passed away at younger ages but my opinion they are great dogs
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Lucy roberto
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Anthony dibiase
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Alice Redding
I've had two bichon's in my life time, love the breed. Have a happy home with adults only and I am retired now, looking forward to caring for another loving dog . Alice Your web is so well put together I give 5 stars
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Had a rescue for 13 yrs, went blind, University of Florida wanted $4,800 to correct your eyesight, she passed away two weeks ago and I'm naturally heartbr
Bichon Frise Breed Review by amelia moq
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Tammy knudsen
I had 5 of them great dogs
Bichon Frise Breed Review by donald gugel
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Sofia Jenkins
They are amazing
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Robin S Ball
I lost my bichon Petey that I had for 14 yrs! My husband n I were unable to have children so he was definitely my baby!!! It's now been over 2 1/2 years n I am now ready for another bichon!!! I am looking for a male!!
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Debbie. Englehardt
Best dogs ever love able pretty sweet loyal smart. I just think there the best our family has had 4. Bichon male and female equally wonderful
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Jerry Chenault
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Lottie Darden
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Elsa Santamaria
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Elsa
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Maria Kellenberger
I have one for 15 year l love this dog please give all the information thank you
Bichon Frise Breed Review by sandra Santiago
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Claudette Payton
My little bichon followed me everywhere had separation anxiety if i just went outside to get something outta my car she'll be peeping out the window barking like crazy
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Veronica Reese
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Robert & Sandra Stoltz
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Erica andujar
Bichon Frise Breed Review by barbara polaski
I have owned bichons for over 20 years. They are the most gentle, loving, playful, beautiful and don't have a mean streak in their body and the fact that you can't be allergic to them is a real plus. I had other breed of dogs during the years but only a few I can compare to bichons. Of course I was never into larger dogs but that doesn't mean I don't care for them. I love all dogs, small, medium or large. I just love dogs. I now have 4 bichons, all over 12 years old and am looking to have a new puppy in our family. I have all females-all my little women.
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Mary Fischer
Our Bichon lived 18 and A half years and just psssed in July. He was well mannered and a major part of our family. A good and easy to care for puppy, learned tricks easily and got along with other animals.
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Dorenda laws
My sister own one and I usually keep her for months at a time cause my children just loves diamond that's her name she's my niece part of our family fir over 14 years now we just live her to death, so I wanted my own for my home, even though diamond we always still be welcome over anytime !
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Manuel Huerta
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Ellee Shawe
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Jean M O'connell
We have a 4 1/2 yr. Bichon that we bought in Pa. and I can't remember the Kennel. We live in Ca. and my brother picked her up on Christmas Eve, and flew her out to me on Christmas day, a surprise from my husband. We absolutely love her. She is such such a joy. I have 3 children and 11 grandchildren and we all are in love with her. I want to get another on from the Kennel, but can't remember the name of it. Can you help me?
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Cyndy
I owned a Bichon Frise.
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Sharon Eichelberger
18201 Candlewood Lane Haagerstown, Maryland This is the sweetest breed of dog in the world. Love their payful, loving and friendly personalities.
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Sandra Joyce
My beautiful Daisy was put to sleep, because of kidney failure. She was almost 16 years old. I got her when she was 8 weeks.
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Zahna Imani
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Claudette L Payton
I had my Bichon Frise my little shadow for years named Frazja'e just passed the day before thanksgiving last year she'll go crazy when i leave out had separation anxiety real bad, high maintenance breed need to keep up with brushing them on a regular because they will get matted she had hot spots alot around certain times a year loved my little white fluff ball.
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Millie
I love this dog. My sister have a bichon until he pass away the day after Christmas. She is suffering a lot because he is gone. He suffer pancreatitis. I been trying to find another bichon with this Greenfield Puppies but I don't have a number to contact. This dog was so good with children, lovable sweet, love to cuddle, and was the most precious baby for my sister.
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Maysie
I love this puppy
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Mariella
We had a bichon for a little over 12 years. She passed away this past April, at the age of 13, from kidney disease. She was the best dog anyone could ask for. Beautiful, smart, playful, loyal, highly trainable, and mischievous. She has such a great personality. She made my husband and I fall in love with the breed. When we're ready to get another puppy, it will definitely be another Bichon.
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Sandi
Great breed. Loving companion, affectionate. Non shedding. Can be pricey with grooming... Very intelligent.
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Nicole
We really want this puppy
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Nicole
We really want this puppy
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Alli Pitkin
My family had a Bichon frise but had kidney problems
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Esta Venables
Bichons, when we finally found one at a dog show and purchased one have been the cutest and brightest dogs we've ever owned. In addition they are loving and loveable dogs. We would never again own any other breed dog!
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Loree fletcher Green
Bichon Frise Breed Review by deborah graham
I purchased a bichon on november 2013, i couldn't be happier. He is a loving very attentive, and quite humerous puppy.. He loves people and is also very protective, and alert. What a beautiful addition to my family.
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Hillary
I think thees dogs are so playful and cuddly they have a lot of energy but once they get it out they plop on your lap and fall asleep
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Olivia
A bichon
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Deborah kurtz
Wonderful pet cuddly,loving. Buttons had a brain tumor and died recently. Not ready for another bijon yet
Bichon Frise Breed Review by esther keehn
we have an adorable bichon and i love her so much! she will come and cuddle with me, yet shes not pushy. and she is totally adorable! I think i can totally say that bichons are my favorite breed of puppy!!!! 5,0000 stars!!!!
Bichon Frise Breed Review by roseann
I love dogs and I have a bishon but we have been wanting a nother one so we decided yes we would get one
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Joe Joe
GREAT DOG! Adorable puffballs! MUST ADOPT!
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Esther
Bichons are probably my favorite breed. They have such sweet personalitlies and I am so proud to have one as my family dog! 10,000 star rating! :)
Bichon Frise Breed Review by phyllis voutier
love this breed of dog owned one for 11 years
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Megan
You will never be happier when you own a bichon frise. They are so loving, good with kids, laid back, etc. With their deep soulful dark eyes, they are loyal and love unconditionally. You won't be disappointed. Not sure if bladder stones were unique in my dog however, if you want to avoid them in your bichon then use the special UTI dog food and you will not have any issues.
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Martha Breininger
We are on our 3rd bichon. We have currently have a 13yr old female who we have had since she was 8 weeks and a 5 month old male we bought from greenfield puppies back in May. We adore the breed the are adorable, hypoallergenic, and have great temperaments. Their hair does take some maintenance but if you keep up with it, it's easy to maintain. We will never get another breed.
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Juliana
My experience with my Bichons is that they are funny and very loving. I usually had one snuggling with me while his brother was busy chasing his tennis ball. They are easy to care for and both of my boys lived long, healthy lives. I'm a confirmed fan of the breed.
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Roberta
I like very good dog for older people
Bichon Frise Breed Review by rosanne goldy
beautiful dogs. real lovers. just put mine to sleep after 16 wonderful years. started going blind, couldn\'t see, & was diagnosed with kidney disease.
Bichon Frise Breed Review by kelly
this dog is awsome you need to get one they are so loveble and super sweet!
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Jennifer Testa
I had a Bichon Frisse for almost fourteen years. They are the best dog one could ever have!!!!
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Traci S
Have owned 6 Bichon\'s. Best family dog. Does not shed but needs brushed or groomed very often. Awesome personality. Easy to train and loves to be with people. Females tend to be more "princesses" but males are more laid back. Would highly recommend.
Bichon Frise Breed Review by Tom Bustard
Bichons are simply the BEST!!!
Bichon Frise Breed Review by John Gretchen
Found a wonderful Bichon on Greenfieldpuppies.com Bichons are very friendly and very active. Loves children and other pets. Grooming is high maintenance. Are a little stubborn at times but a very mart breed. They love to please