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Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Nadine Dempsey
I have my first Berner now. I have found him to be the happiest dog I have ever owned. They are very loving. So many emotions displayed in his face. You will always know love with a Bernese.
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Brenda Cicio
We have had our Bernese Mtn dog for 3 years and we would not trade him for anything. He's sweet, wants to please, loves his family. Can't say enough We love him to pieces
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Tyler Griffin
Berners are the best dogs ever. So loving and cuddly. Dry mouthed and perfect. The hair is worth it.
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Yes, I have had one beautiful male Bernese Nero. He died 2 months before his 12 th birthay. He was sick. I wish to have Bernese mountain dog again. It is not matter if this dog male or female. Bernese mountain dogs are the best of all dogs 😍😘🐶
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by CC
The strongest bond I’ve ever had with a dog wasn’t actually one of my own, but my grandmother’s neighbor’s Bernese mountain dog when I was a little girl! However, that dog died at 5. The average life span of these dogs is 7. I can’t take that much heartbreak and would rather get a dog that will hopefully be with me for 15-16 years. If you’re dead set on Berner, I would recommend a mix.
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by CC
I had a bond with this dog like no other dog I’ve ever owned. However, he died at 5. Average life span is 7 years. I will never get another because I can’t take that much heartbreak. I would rather have a dog that has a chance of being with me a good 15 or 16 years.
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Rosemary Detweiler
Bernese Mountains are the best! Beautiful dogs, wonderful temperament and personality all combined into one dog!! I own 2 and they are wonderful!
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Jose Perez
Our berner is a highly smart playful puppy, extremely loving
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Nicole
First Berner we have ever had, and the last breed we will ever have! Baxter is 8 months old now, and our family has never been so in love with an animal as we are with Baxter! He is literally the sweetest dog ever, and so incredibly cute!!!! He does the goofiest things, makes us laugh, and repeats the goofy behavior. I swear he does it on purpose....just love him to death :).
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Julie Allen
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Sean
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Dennis Busel
I had my Bella for 11.75 years. She was the most beautiful sole I have ever met. Even when he was hurting for one reason or another she never showed even a speck of aggression only love came from her. She was about 2 years old when my wife passed leaving me with 3 kids under 8. Bella was there for us until the day she passed. I will never get another breed of dog.
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Scott A campany
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Kerry Longo
Hands down - this is the best breed for a family. The friendliest and most loving pup we ever owned!
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by William Hennessey
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by steve
the bernese mountain dog is one of the most loyal dogs I have ever owned they are great with kids and are very smart and a joy to have in are family, I would recommend this dog for anybody
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Vicky C.
We have a 5.5 yo male Berner. (Between the hubby's fam & mine, we've had 8 different purebreds and mixes.) Our Berner is so awesome that we no longer want any other breeds. He has been amazing with our 4 yo & 2 yo daughters from birth. Berners are gentle giants for sure. He is fiercely loyal and a wonderful guard dog. The only thing I should warn potential owners of is that the Berner lines carry a higher than avg risk of cancer. We caught ours extremely early, choosing to pay for all the extensive testing (3k) due to my gut instinct. Marty was diagnosed was chronic lymphocytic leukemnia in May 2018. We elect to monitor his lymphocyte count with monthly blood work. 7 months later (Dec 2018), we are close but not yet ready treatment (thank goodness). In addition to cancer, when our Berner was a puppy at 4 months old, he knocked over our 2 yo niece and proceeded to swallow Ariel the little mermaid (2k for that surgery). He also loves mulch so we're on a constant lookout. Berners are very expensive (we've probably spent 10k+ on him), but they are the BEST breed for babies and young children. All they do is protect my 2 tots and shower them with kisses. The last thing my girls do before going to bed is to hug & kiss our boy. Knowing how much they truly cost and knowing that we're going to loose him sooner than originally expected, we would still do it over & over again. The breed is amazing; our boy is amazing; and we're close to adding another!
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Cyndi Thomen
I first saw, and immediately wanted, a Berner over forty years ago. I have now been a human to them about ten years. Well worth the wait and am still in training, lol.
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by dave stoltsfus
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by David Miller
A great breed for a family pet.
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Denise
I own a Pyreneese mountain dog and he is the most friendliest most wonderful dog that I could have ever have and would love to get myself a Bernese mountain pup
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Chloe
I love this dog I have always wanted one there cute and they look soft and there not to big and not to small
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by priscilla rivera
i've been wanting a cute and adorable pet for my daughters
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Rakesh kumar
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Cheri Gorgol
I fell in love with this breed when I bought my first Berner back in 2010 & never looked back. I have one now & am looking to extend our Berner family in the near future. I will always have a Berner. My Murphy is the best dog, hands down, that I have ever had the good fortune to raise & love. I HIGHLY recommend this breed for a multitude of reasons. They are loyal, intelligent & have enormous hearts. Their capacity to connect with their humans is incredible. I can’t tell you how many times I have wondered if my Murphy was human. They pick on our cues so well. I do really wish they had less health problems. I had a 16 month old Berner pup who suddenly developed a sinus cancer & died less than 4 months. My almost 8 year old Murphy has lumps all over him & even though his vet says I don’t have anything to worry about, I do. With that being said, I love the breed and could not picture my life without one.
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Cay
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Lillie
I have one and he is the sweetest thing ever. He is a gentle giant and loves to cuddle.
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Madison Kuzmiski
I have a Bernese myself they are really the sweetest dogs out there, my daughter is so in love. They make great family pets and are called the nanny dogs because they are the best with children. This dog is very laid back and will cuddle you but will also go on long walks and play with you in the backyard. If you would choose to have one yourself I strongly recommend you have a large house and large yard these dogs can grow over 100 pounds. I call them the gentle giant because they may be so huge but they are also so sweet!
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Hannah
The best dogs in the whole wide world. Very loving and cuddly. They are very fun and good with kids.
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Marlin Stutzman
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Puppy Lover
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Mar
Great temperment and very very smart
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Margaret Smith
Beautiful giant breed, prefers one family for a lifetime. Smart but requires early training, frequent grooming, and vet care.
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Patricia villasenor
I adore this breed
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Charlie Schmidt
Amazing looking dog.
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by jim
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Judy wells
I have never owned one but think they are a beautiful breed .I think I'm going to read more about them when I decide to get a dog.
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by montain dog
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Alyssa
One of the sweetest and caring dog bread i have owned but can also be very protective if they think you are in harm
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Lena Marino
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Richard Smith
Love Them
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Sophia
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Quinn
Bernese Mountain Dogs are a beautiful breed. Although they have a shot lifespan they are wonderful companion. They rarely bark and are great with young children.
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by dori adel
wonderful companions , too short a life span
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by George Burton
NOT A BERNESE BUT 22 Great danes and a large 100pd GoldenHave a large fenced yard with 20-40 p00l. live 3 miles fro ocean.
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Bridget
I have never owned this breed. I understand they are loving, gentle, animals. They like to be outside and need space.
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by ROBERT
owned 3 to date.. great with kids and very lovable. need to brush,,of course..be sure to have a good vacuum cleaner. have a lot of love to give you back
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Titinishia Solomon
I just love him it's a little hard to get him to do what I want but all in time he is my big baby (Thor) so if anyone has any surjection on training please feel free to give your opinion
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by sharon
i love the breed but they don't have along life. we lost our liliy at 7, and we fought so hard to make her better.
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Madeline McDowell
This breed is a great medical dog and family dog, they'er protective of there owner, if there's someone who's new and the dog has never met them bark when ther walking to you're house or apartment to let you know that someone's there, it's help full if your having a party at your home they'll bark and you'll look what they'er barking at
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Terry Reilly
Back in early August I begged my dad for a bernese and he finally caved in. We got ours from looking on this website and I absolutely love my bernese he is 11 months now he is the most friendliest dog out there. It says obedience training is recommended but I'm 15 years old and I trained him all by myself and he is very intelligent. He loves to learn new things and I would highly recommend getting a Bernese cause they are the most loving dog out there
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Harold Thorne
I like your puppy's do you have any puppy that are not AKC.I have owned two Bernese Mountain Dogs, one male AKC and the other female, which just passed away New Years Eve, had her for 11 years. I am looking for another puppy or young dog of this breed.
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by caleb
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Karlie
I bought my first bernese almost a year and a half ago. She is by far the best dog I have ever owned. I raised golden retrievers for 15 years before I looked into a bernese mountain dog. I will never have any other breed. They are loyal like a golden retriever with a lot more personality. They are goofy and sweet and extremely gentle and intelligent. My female was completely potty trained within two weeks of getting her at eight weeks. She had sit, speak, lay down, stay, come, and don\'t touch that down within the first month. Now she listens to me just with hand signals. They would make excellent service dogs as they are a little bigger to reach things and they are very loyal, confident around strangers, and easily trained. I highly recommend this breed for families as well. They are loyal without being too overprotective with strangers and such. They only real downsize (as long as you don\'t mind the shedding) is that they have a shorter life expectancy than a lot of other breeds.
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by Dianne Charron
There is no sweeter dog than a Bernese Mountain Dog. They are very loyal. trusting and loving. They are wonderful with children. They are very gentle but can knock over toddlers by accident. They easy to groom as they do not need to be clipped. The only drawback is shedding. If you don\'t mind vacuuming daily...and an occasional hair in your butter...this is a perfect dog!
Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Review by korki
I just would like to know if they can become a wonderful service dog? I am physicaly disabled, but still also can walk. I ride a scooter to go to the store n which the dog would go also yto help me with things i can not reach well. Some balance ect. Are they good for this and how easy are they to train? Will be done by me in a training place. Do you suggest this breed for that reason? Thanks!