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Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Dennis E Deere
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by WALTER ZYLA
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Isaiah
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Brooke
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Julie Williams
If you move him while he is on your bed and sleeping he well bite you .and he won't stop barking in the day time when he is in his dog pen even if I'm outside with him .he barks at everythang
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Denim Davis
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Adam
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by David Steffe
Purchased a Belgian Malinois pup from Oscar, she is the best dog I have ever had and I have had the best! My last dog was a Belgian Groenendael for 15 yrs.. I am 76 yrs old and have had dogs all my life. My last dog was the Groenendael, she was in my opinion the best dog ever g created, but now if my dog Penny (belgian Malalinois) continues, I believes (as much as it hurts me to say) could be the best dog will ever gave had! At my age, I was cautioned by Vet’s, dog trainers, and everyone I know, not to get a Belgian Malinois!! I purchased her at four months of age and everyone told me, that was too old. There was something wrong with her!! I’ve had her for four months now, and I wouldn’t sell her for a million dollars!! Right now I feel like this will turn out to be the best dog (in my opinion) on earth!! Thank you Oscar!!
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Margaret Brannon
I believe this would be a great choice for a family dog.
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Desiree
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Derrick Smith
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Penny fritta
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Silvano
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Chaley
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Shane Sheehan
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Marie Frazier
Absolutely best dog ever. Smart , loyal, and protective. You have to get to know your dog and treat him like a family member. They are very entertaining at times. Great running partner!
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Tianti Richardson
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Salvador De la Torre
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Rock
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Oseas Arevalo
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Chris Derousselle
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Antiquon Omarr Bell
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Hany Elsayed
Belgium Melanios
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Fiona Oliva
Malinois are the best! They’re cute, playful, loving, caring, funny,… I have a 1 year old female malinois and I love her endlessly!
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Malinoisguy
Is a great breed, but must be willing to train and spend a lot of time with them they really require attention. They also are working dogs so they love having a job. My Belgium loves to chew and absolutely everything the toys are destroyed in minutes. But we love her so much. The breed is super smart I would say she is the smartest dog I’ve ever met, she was opening doors at 3 months old she is wonderful we love her so much, I rate at a 4 only because of the above can make it also a difficult dog especially as a puppy. I honestly cannot wait till she gets a little older she is just over 1 year old now and still a handful. But I know if I can make it, a few more years she will be so awesome. She definitely would be great for some one in there 20’s with a lot of energy I don’t have as much being older, I definitely would not recommend unless pretrained as a services dog.
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Coco
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Tyrone Cook
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Tsippy smadja
amazing dog
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Robert Zaldivar
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Robert Zaldivar
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Don
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Todd Whitehurst
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Steve Brown
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Landan
I did not buy one from here but it is the best dog you could have
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Zbigniew Sawicki
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Zbigniew Sawicki
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Wayne Thomas
Very smart and intelligent
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Jose Coria
Very good dog
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Chaitanya Borse
Chetna nags, nasik
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Russell J. Langill
Excellent dog, this Belgium Malinois is exactly what type of dog I am looking for.
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Noelle
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Yo
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Felix Macias
I have owned a Belgian Malinois. Outstanding dog I ever owned. Had to give him away due to the fact that neighbors feared him. Because of his high energy and intelligence, I sent him away to the police forces. I kept in touch to see how he was doing and it turns out that he fit well and is welled favor. Now that I am moving to a 1 1/2 acreage out into the country, Ian in need of a new family pet that will watch over my home while I am out. I wouldn’t think of any other breed but a Belgian Malinois. Perfect fit to my life of every day energy.
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Lee
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Dominickmoreno
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by dakota smith
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Jamall Cash
I really like this breed and looking for a good puppy
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Karen
Hi, I just lost my female Belgian Malinois to cancer at age 11-12 yrs..She was wonderful, intelligent, affectionate , loyal, protective, and mellowed as she became older...She was just a love and a cuddler,,,I thoroughly enjoyed the breed, and found her remarkable , particularly as she got older,.She is so sadly missed,,,I enjoyed her intelligence, intuitive-ness, and responsiveness...She had an aggressive streak- which diminished a great deal, as she became older..I would love another one, but would be careful in selecting for a gentle temperament ...
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Samuel bouknight
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Jefferson
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Juan bates
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by James Daugherty
I rescued him 09/01/2008. He was very insecure to say the least. I think his owner might have beat him. I am looking for a puppy this time and as soon as I get enough money together I will give you a call. I 've always had Shepherds since the 70's when my last shepherd died in 08 my Vet said to get a Malinois so I did best dog I ever had. Talk to you soon Jimmy
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Michael Cortez
love it it is smart and cool
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Calli
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Crown Xu
i plan to have a Belgian Malinois dog for our military Club.
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Karen Ruh
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Kennedy Herriman
Very smart and capable of the unimaginable amazing I have no words to describe how amazing and beautiful these dogs are and behave
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Oliver
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Heidi
I am interested n a female black shepherd I already own a female shepherd she is two years old we also own an Doberman he is 7 years old we have a huge back and front yard as well as a 4 bdrm house
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Eddie Robinson
I want one
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Amontrey Dryden
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Heather
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by loui
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Tyler
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Alfonso Rivera Vicente
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Alfonso Rivera Vicente
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Alfonso Rivera Vicente
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Autumn Matijevic
I really want a puppy like this. It is absolutely adorable.
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Vito mannino
Looking for ,belgian. Malinois, male dog
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Carl
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Mark Kohlheim
very interist in the breed call me at 3013365006
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Theresa
Belgian Malinois Breed Review by Ashley Nixon
Great working breed! However they need experienced owners, constant training, a job, and anywhere from 4-6 hours of daily mental and physical exercise, some need more. They have drive and tend to not do well with small animals even if raised with them(they will chase, attack, and kill them). If you are looking for a Personal Protection Dog(look up videos of what this is), Agility, Fly Ball, Dock Diving, Scent work etc. some sort of constant intense work this is a good dog. If you are looking for a dog for kids/family and just to zip around the backyard and a walk every so often then keep looking because these dogs are the exact opposite of that and will not work out. PLEASE read up about this breed and DO NOT get one just because you saw a professionally trained one in a movie, you WILL regret it! Especially after they (literally)destroy your house out of boredom. They are called maligators for a reason.