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Basset Hound Breed Review by Kimberly Furtivo
Looking for a trip colored pupp
Basset Hound Breed Review by Pat Lotz
love Bassetts. I have had 2 Bassett hounds and really like their funny / sad facial expression. Love their nonchalant attitude- their look of. " Do I really care."
Basset Hound Breed Review by Maureen Rendace
I have had 3 basset hounds. Love the breed. 2 of them died of cancer. They were my best friends.
Basset Hound Breed Review by LMN
Such a great breed. Sure, they can be stubborn and can have a "what's in it for me?" attitude, but they're loving, loyal, friendly, and great at snuggling. My basset is 11 years old now and I can not imagine ever having another breed.
Basset Hound Breed Review by william yoder
we love then we love them we lost ours to sickness
Basset Hound Breed Review by Lonnie Tubbs
Basset Hound Breed Review by Andy Morton
I have owned two the first on lived to be 13 and the second lived to be 15 there my favorite breed perfect for a starting family
Basset Hound Breed Review by Sheryl Hartman
Basset Hound Breed Review by Diana Kathleen
I think they are very unique puppies. Very adorable, cute, cuddly and sweet.
Basset Hound Breed Review by Tommy
Basset Hound Breed Review by Richard Dinger
Basset Hound. My Maggie Mae came to us as a stray in 2003 the vet said she thought she was 2 yrs old she passed away this yr 2018 had her for 15 yrs. There is no better friend then a Basset Hound bar none.They are loyal and a better friend then you will ever have 2 or 4 legged. NEVER in a cage or tied up. No need she never left her yard. LOVE THE BASSET HOUNDS!!!!!! RD
Basset Hound Breed Review by Ruben kabacoff
Basset Hound Breed Review by John Farlow
Bassets are one of the best breeds for a family or single. Their laid back attitude, willingness to please and wanting to be with you just cant be beat. I got my first basset when I was 9 years old as a birthday gift. I am 63 now. I have never had a "bad" basset and belive me I have had quite a few. My "catch phrase is: "Go Basset or Go Home"!
Basset Hound Breed Review by Paul Charette
Basset Hound Breed Review by Brittany Mitchell
Basset hounds are a joy. Their STUBBORN, but so loyal and so so cute.
Basset Hound Breed Review by Beverly SANDORb
I am now 70 years old and I have had basset hounds since I was a little girl---I love this breed
Basset Hound Breed Review by Cindy
I love this breed we have had so many
Basset Hound Breed Review by Shelby strother
Basset Hound Breed Review by Just Mack
I have had 3bassethound puppies. I love them
Basset Hound Breed Review by Gregory Elgin
Basset Hound Breed Review by Georgiannadonaldson
Basset Hound Breed Review by Vincent Riley
Lazy, crazy, best dog ever... my basset hound Dexter can be annoying but then the sweetest dog ever in a matter of minutes. Such a great breed to have, very loyal and too cute to boot. They need love and do require special needs but it is worth it to have one of the best dogs ever!
Basset Hound Breed Review by Brooke hanes
Basset Hound Breed Review by Amy Parket
I will be moving to Naples Florida. My boyfriend and I have had 2 Bassett. We love them
Basset Hound Breed Review by Cheryl vikeras
Love bassets! Have owned 5 and each one was unique in their own way, They can be very stubborn but oh so lovable, Beautiful breed. Very good with children as a family dog or with a single person, They give you so much love and are so lovable.
Basset Hound Breed Review by Rachael
I love your options
Basset Hound Breed Review by Tanya Fuller
My Bassett was my best friend. My husband got cancer had to board her while he was taking treatment she got Mersa from the boarding establishment, had to put her down when she started passing blood, vet said she was in pain, broke my heart. She was a gift from my daughter, been looking for another for 2 years now, I had no idea how expensive they were. I miss her every day. Merry Christmas to y'all
Basset Hound Breed Review by John Morrone
I am omly interested with pure breed full pictures and support from both parent not interested in od shaps parents or pupps
Basset Hound Breed Review by Rosa Lee Handley
I have owned 2bassett hounds one lived to 14 years and 9 monthsI presently have one that is 1 and 1/2years old. They are the best dogs very loving.
Basset Hound Breed Review by carlotta butler
Basset Hound Breed Review by Charles Travis
I love this bred of dog. I have had four in the past. They are very stubborn, and hard to house train, but they are so loving, adorable, and so good around children.
Basset Hound Breed Review by Deborah carbone
Basset Hound Breed Review by Cindy Cole
Awesome dogs we want to amother
Basset Hound Breed Review by Helen morrone
Basset Hound Breed Review by Kara
Basset Hound Breed Review by Sherry
Basset Hound Breed Review by Caitlin B.
We got the most adorable basset hound puppy from Sylvan Stoltzfus. Sylvan was so nice, gave us some puppy food to take with us, answered all our questions, and introduced us to the mom and dad. His bassets are BEAUTIFUL! We've had Ezzie now for a few weeks and we are in love. He's definitely a "best friend" dog similar to other bassets I've encountered. Bassets are loyal, sweet, sleep a good amount, and are just really great dogs. He follows us everywhere and loves to cuddle. Couldn't be happier, thank you Sylvan and Greenfield puppies!
Basset Hound Breed Review by Peggy
I have had many Basset hounds puppies They are my favorite dogs
Basset Hound Breed Review by Debra gee
I have owned 3 Bassett . The were tri color. AKC. Lived to be 13 years old. I love this breed.
Basset Hound Breed Review by ree
best dogs ever
Basset Hound Breed Review by Cheryl Simmons
I owned a beautiful baby boy for 14 years. He was my everything. Now we have a 2 year old boy basset. He is very different from my baby. We love him to pieces also. There is nothing like a basset
Basset Hound Breed Review by Katie
Basset Hound Breed Review by LEN
I had a basset for 11 years and he just dies suddenly on 9/25/16.He was the most beautiful dog I ever owned.They are more human than people know. Just had ear problems and skin condition and unknown issue that took him from me. They become more like a child when it comes to smarts and a super nose and great watch dog. Small dog with huge bark but without a mean bone in him. Great with children and other dogs. They are 200% love but can be stubborn when they want to. He made my wife his easy hit when it comes to doing what he wanted but in a loving way. We are still in tears over his loss and the home is not a home with him. IN LOVING MEMORY OF AUGGIE 8/13/05 TO 9/25/16
Basset Hound Breed Review by maggie
a total clown, very loving and comppassionate. perfect to take with me to vist rest homes with my choir.
Basset Hound Breed Review by Megan Stone
Basset Hound Breed Review by peter danylo
i need a phone number for more information.i am currently looking to purchase a basset puppy.
Basset Hound Breed Review by Roger Valentine
Great dogs, I've had three in my life time and not one was ever mean. Our current basset is a good looking red and white that loves to play at three years old. He love the little kids on the street. They are tuff to train to do tricks, house breaking was easy.
Basset Hound Breed Review by Barbara Kanewske
they seem like a very nice dog and would be a really nice family member
Basset Hound Breed Review by Barbara
We have a basset, a little girl, she is 6 yrs old and we love her We just had to have her buddy put to sleep and she is so lonely We are going to get another bassett, but we have to save the money, she was pretty reasonable although se was pretty sick when we got her, after many vet visits we finally got her healthy
Basset Hound Breed Review by tina james
we love this breed, we lost our dear Bently in Nov. 2014. He was the best dog, he is sooooo missed. Bassets are such a wonderful breed, we know that he is waiting for us at the bridge. Once we are ready we will own another basset. Their look, attitudes and love can not be matched.
Basset Hound Breed Review by Barry Abell
Stubborn for sure but you will never find a better friend for you or your children. They love being with people. If you plan on locking them in a pen out doors get a different breed.
Basset Hound Breed Review by Barry
A Basset is the best friend you will ever have. They love children.
Basset Hound Breed Review by gus
Loyal loving fun
Basset Hound Breed Review by Sean