A Havachon has a double coat that can vary from dog to dog. It tends to be dense, but it can be silky or curly and long or short. Coat colors can vary as well, but commonly tend to be cream, white, silver, brown, black, gray, or blue. They also tend to have a low-shedding coat, which can make them a more allergy-friendly option for someone who is allergic to dog fur.
But, low-shedding does not always mean low maintenance and the Havachon coat is not an exception. Their coat is prone to tangles, which can lead to mats if they aren’t worked out. As such, a Havachon’s coat needs to be brushed at least a few times a week. Bathing is only recommended as needed, but professional grooming is recommended about every six weeks.
In addition to coat care, you will also need to care for your Havachon’s nails, ears, and teeth. Monthly nail trimming is usually sufficient to keep nails from growing too long. But, if they don’t wear down as much naturally or they just grow quickly, you may need to cut your dog’s nails more often.
It’s also important to keep an eye on your dog’s ears. You want to check them weekly to make sure they are dry, clean, and free of debris. If you see excess wax, moisture, or dirt, then you should carefully clean your dog’s ears. If the excess wax or moisture is accompanied by redness, inflammation, weird smells, or other discharge, take a trip to the vet because there is something going on.
Gum disease is one of the most common health issues in dogs because good dental care is often overlooked. It’s important to practice good dental care with any dog and especially with your Havachon. As a small dog, they are more prone to developing dental problems later in life. Brushing teeth or using an enzyme toothpaste every day is ideal. You can also talk to your vet about dental hygiene chews and treats as well as a special diet to help care for your dog’s teeth.