9 Fall Safety Tips For Dogs

two saint bernard puppies sitting in a pile of fall leaves

As summer moves to fall and the temperatures start to get chillier, you’ll start to layer up and, depending on your dog, they may need to as well. Just as some dogs handle summer heat better than others, some dogs are able to handle cooler weather much better than others. Regardless, it’s important to help your dog stay safe and comfortable in the fall. Here are some fall safety tips for dogs to get you started:

1. Add Layers (If Needed)

If you own a snow dog breed, like a Siberian Husky, or a dog with a thick, fluffy coat, you likely won’t need to add any extra layers for warmth during the fall. These dog breeds will likely welcome the chillier weather with open paws and wagging tails.

If they’re one of the dog breeds that loves winter, you may even have trouble getting them to come back inside. Dogs that thrive in the cold and love the snow, like Huskies and Malamutes, will often dig in, make a snow den, and take a nap in the cold.

However, if your dog is more sensitive to cold weather, like a Chihuahua, Yorkie, or another small dog breed, you’ll likely need to add some extra layers and other winter dog products to help them stay warm. A good dog sweater on milder days and a winter coat on colder days will help ward off the chill and keep them comfortable while out on brisk fall walks.

A waterproof coat or separate raincoat can help your dog stay dry if you have to take walks on rainy days. This also will help them stay warmer in case the temperature is on the chillier side. Items like these and keeping walks in the cold short are some things that can help dog breeds that hate winter navigate colder fall days a little better, especially as the seasons get close to changing again.

2. Maintain Flea, Tick, and Heartworm Care

Although temperatures may be dropping, fleas and ticks are still a concern in the fall. All ticks need is a slightly warmer day to become active again. To ensure your pup stays protected, be sure to continue regular flea and tick prevention treatments as well as any treatments for heartworm prevention. This will help keep your dog as healthy as possible during the change in seasons.

3. Beware of Autumn Outdoor Dangers

During the fall, there are some outdoor dangers to be aware of and you’ll want to keep an eye on your dog to ensure they don’t encounter or ingest them. Ensuring your dog masters basic commands like “Come” and “Leave it” can help you keep your dog safe while they are outside in the fall.

Wild Mushrooms

As temperatures start to drop, more wild mushrooms will start to pop up. Although many are not toxic, there are plenty that can be life-threatening if eaten. And, it can often be difficult to tell the difference between some species.

Unless your dog is a trained truffle hunter, it’s best to keep your dog away from all mushrooms to ensure they don’t come across any that will make them sick or worse. “Leave it” is a useful command in these circumstances, especially if you are traipsing through the woods with your dog.


During the fall, snakes are preparing for hibernation and can be more likely to bite if disturbed. The best thing you can do is to find out what types of snakes are common in your area, which ones are venomous, and the areas they are most likely to inhabit. If you don’t usually walk your dog in areas where snakes are common, you may not need to worry too much about this potential outdoor hazard. However, it never hurts to be prepared.


Conkers look like big acorns and drop from Horse Chestnut trees in the fall. If chewed, these are highly poisonous. They are also a choking hazard and can cause serious blockages if swallowed whole.

It’s best to steer clear of these trees in the fall and keep an eye out for any conkers on the ground so you can keep your dog away from them, especially if your dog is prone to trying to eat or pick up everything in their mouth while on a walk.

Daffodils, Tulips, and Autumn Crocus

Although they are beautiful once they bloom, Daffodils, Tulips, and Autumn Crocus are highly toxic to dogs if they are eaten. If you have a dog, it’s best to keep these items out of your yard in the fall.

Cleaning up your yard and making sure all plants in your garden are safe for dogs are some dog-friendly gardening tips that are good to keep in mind for the fall too. If you come across these flowers while out on a walk, keep your dog well away to avoid any chance of ingestion.

4. Be Careful With Leaf Piles

Although leaves usually aren’t an issue for dogs unless they are Red Maple leaves, which are toxic to dogs, unknown piles of leaves can sometimes hide hazards. It’s also usually recommended to steer clear of leaf piles around Chestnut trees to keep your dog from eating conkers.

Old leaf piles can harbor mold and harmful bacteria that can make your dog really sick if they get exposed to it. Leaf piles are also common places for pests to accumulate. Depending on what people are using to manage their yards, there may be harmful chemicals, including insecticides, rodenticides, spilled antifreeze, and more, that can be dangerous to your dog.

Should you let your dog play in leaves? Sure, just be careful with them. Provided you keep an eye out for the issues above and check your dog thoroughly for ticks after, they’ll likely be fine. Some dogs really love to plow through leaf piles and if you know there is nothing sharp or dangerous in them, there’s no reason to deny them that joy. If your dog tends to eat leaves, it’s probably better to stick to your own leaf piles or those you know don’t harbor anything that will make your dog sick.

5. Wear Reflectors in the Dark

During autumn, it starts to get darker earlier and earlier, which means your evening walk may end up being in the dark. You want to make sure you and your dog are visible. This is one of the top safety tips for walking your dog in the dark.

Wearing reflectors is a great way to do this. A reflective dog vest, a dog vest with LED lights, or a lighted collar are all ways you can stay visible in the dark. These are also great fall dog products to have on hand that will be useful anytime you’re out in low-light conditions with your dog.

6. Give Some Extra Care to Paws

Your pup’s paw pads are sensitive. As the weather changes, they can get dry and even start to crack. This can be really painful for your dog. So, make sure you give your pup’s paws a little extra care during the fall. DIY paw balm or paw balm you purchase can help keep your dog’s paw pads moisturized and can help prevent dry or cracked skin.

Regularly checking your dog’s paws to ensure nails are trimmed, paw pads are healthy, and paws are free of debris is another way to protect your dog’s paws. Also, invest in a good pair of dog booties to protect your dog’s paws from rough terrain while they are outside, especially in the case of early ice or snow. These are also good winter safety tips for dogs.

7. Watch For Signs of Allergies

Allergies may be a more common issue in the spring, and sure, keeping an eye out for them is part of an essential spring dog safety guide. But, they can happen in any season. Much like us, a change in the seasons can trigger allergies in your dog.

If your dog is prone to allergies and experiences them in the spring, it’s possible they’ll exhibit some symptoms in the fall too. Keep an eye out for sneezing or clear discharge from the nose, skin rashes or irritation, and increased scratching.

If your dog is suffering from allergies, a quick trip to the vet can help. They can take a look and prescribe the best treatment to help your dog be more comfortable, even if that’s just some advice on ways to help your dog survive seasonal allergies.

8. Keep School Supplies Out of Reach

If you have school-age children in the home or you are a teacher, you may be stocking up on school supplies coming into fall. Extra pens, pencils, markers, glue sticks, and more can all be tempting for dogs to chew on.

Although many of these items tend to have low toxicity, they can still cause serious blockages and gastrointestinal issues if ingested. Because of the low toxicity in general, school supplies aren’t always top of mind. This is why one of the fall safety tips for dogs is to make sure dogs do not have easy access to school supplies.

Instead of risking it, it’s better to keep backpacks and school supplies stored safely out of your dog’s reach. This is also a good summer safety tip for dogs to keep in mind as the school year comes to an end so supplies aren’t left in places your dog can get to them in the excitement of school being out for the summer.

9. Take Extra Precautions Around Halloween

Holidays have their own sets of potential dog dangers and hazards, and Halloween is no different. One of the fall safety tips for dogs is to take extra precautions around Halloween. There are several Halloween safety tips for dogs to keep in mind. Not only can Halloween decorations and makeup pose hazards to your dog, especially if ingested, but all of the candy can as well.

Chocolate, anything containing xylitol, and the plastic wrappers they come in are toxic foods for dogs. In addition to causing stress and anxiety if they don’t like them, Halloween costumes can also cause injury if they impede movement, block sight, aren’t fitted properly, get caught on anything, etc. So, it’s important to be careful with costumes and not force your dog into them if they aren’t a fan.

Also, dogs can get lost or stolen during Halloween, so make sure you take precautions to keep them from rushing out the door if you are welcoming trick-or-treaters. This can help prevent your dog from getting lost. Additionally, make sure their tags are updated and microchip information is also up to date. This can help a lost dog get back home faster.

Having some sort of fall dog safety guide on hand can help you and your pooch prepare for changing seasons and navigate them more smoothly together. With these fall safety tips for dogs in mind, you and your dog can enjoy autumn together, comfortably and worry-free!

Fall Safety Tips For Dogs - Infographic From Greenfield Puppies

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