Peter Mitchell

Location: Carrollton, OH | Phone: 814-657-5785 | Email:

Welcome to Turtle Springs Farm!

Here at Turtle Springs My wife and I raise our beautiful, all-white Great Pyrenees LGD (livestock Guardian Dogs)

We are a small Hobby Farm specializing in breeding our flock of Shetland sheep, but more importantly to you, our Great Pyrenees Dogs. We try to give our sheep and our Dogs as natural an environment as possible allowing for a strong bond between sheep and guardian, and yet they are as friendly as can be to us and our children! Our dogs are with our sheep at all times, save for short parts of the season and periodic animal care.

Our Dogs are pure bred AKC registered and all white, which we find gives them a very majestic appearance.

So if you are looking for a loveable guardian Dog big enough to fill your hearts and fields, let’s talk!